During the past year, SLTP partner Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) conducted a range of awareness initiatives for the communities residing around Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve along with Bramhapuri, Central Chanda, and Chandrapur forest divisions of the Chandrapur district.
The team focused on these regions as they are prone to human-wildlife conflicts, with 54 human deaths reported in 2022. Out these 80% are from large carnivores.
Sharing a few highlights from the programmes:
- Herder orientations: 3 programs were organized reaching 104 herders. The importance of forests and wildlife, the impact of grazing, and ways of preventing conflict were communicated and their valuable feedback was captured.

Sanjay Karkare from BNHS interacting with the herders
- Sensitization programs for women: 449 women from the Self-Help groups of villages of the Wadala range of Tadoba were reached through the program. A pre and post-test was conducted which demonstrated that participants were better aware of the relationship between the forest and water and the effects of forest fires post the program.

Sampada Karkare from BNHS conducting an awareness talk
- Human face mask distribution: Since it is typically believed that tigers attack from behind, the team undertook human face mask distribution in conflict areas, with the aim of reducing attacks by large carnivores. 230+ human facemasks were distributed.

Community members wearing human facemasks
- Resource collection exhibition: An exhibition was organized in 11 villages for showcasing information about resource collection, its impact, and prevention of conflict with wildlife.

A resource collection exhibition underway